Italian Greyhound Place
Italian Greyhound Rescue, Fostering, Adoption / Rehoming, & Resources
Dog Nail Trimming
Trimming the 45 / 90 Degree Way
The following image illustrates trimming a dog's nails with a 45 degree cut, followed by a 90 degree cut. This can also be done using a dremel. The 45 degree cut takes length off of the nail, and the 90 degree cut, although also taking some length off, helps the quick recede. This can be done with the use of a dremel.

If only doing a 45 degree cut, which is often recommended, the section of nail, illustrated in orange, that the 90 degree cut gets, is not removed. Combining the two cuts results in a superior nail trim that encourages the quick to recede more than a 45 degree cut alone does.
The Nail Quick
The following diagram illustrates the position of the quick within the dog's nail, how it grows, and how trimming the nail, with clippers or a dremel, causes the quick to recede; it shows the 45 degree cut only - combine it with a 90 degree cut!

Dangers of Long Nails
Long dog nails can force a dog’s paws into an unnatural position, which can result in pain and damage to the foot and leg structure; are more likely to split and break, with splitting to the quick (where the blood vessels of the nail are located) being very painful; and, when left untrimmed, the nails may curve back into the soft tissue of the foot.
The following diagram (from SPAW) illustrates the changes to a dog's foot when nails are left too long.