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Contact and "About" Italian Greyhound Place 

Who am I?


I have been an Italian Greyhound owner (guardian) since 1995, which is also when I first saw an IG.


Why did I establish Italian Greyhound Place?


I have experience and familiarity with Italian Greyhounds, and a desire to be of assistance to this special breed. I feel that by providing information and help to:


  • Individuals who would like to become a companion to an IG,

  • Current IG guardians looking for more information, and

  • IG guardians who are faced with having to re-home their IG,


that I am providing assistance, not only to the individuals involved, but to the Italian Greyhounds.


Where is Italian Greyhound Place located?


Italian Greyhound Place is located in Westchester County in the state of New York. I can assist you regardless of what state you are located in.


Dogs have been adopted through Italian Greyhound Place throughout the United States - in the Northeast (New England and Mid-Atlantic), the South, the Southwest, the Midwest, and the West.

Contact Italian Greyhound Place


Please send an email to Italian Greyhound Place or use the form below.


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Based in NY, serving the USA

Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Italian Greyhound Place. All rights reserved

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